
Power Nap - speed comic

Another speed comic, Power Nap was sold in a fanzine called Kioskvältare. The fanzine looked like this. People living in Sweden can still order one if they'd like. Just drop me an email at olov.redmalm@hotmail.com.

Brush, pen nib, A4 paper and from 30min to 2h spent on each page.

Read the English version here!


Time of Plague

A 24h comic that I made during the international 24h comic day. Mirelle Eriksson gave me the title "Farsotstider", "Time of Plague" in English. It became a fantasy story about female barbarian warriors and wolves. I started around 8.00 am and finished some time 8.00-9.00am the following morning, so I failed the max 24h hours by an hour or so.
I'm posting the Swedish version here but you can click here to find the english version on deviantart.com.